Nov 2, 2007


my work on this project, i'll admit, was not the best. there were many circumstances that made my work worse than it normally is. among them were lack of enthusiasm, lack of sleep, lack of time (due to the massive volume of other work i had to do), and lack of technological ability. one major thing was that i loved the book, but doing this project just ruined the book for me. i like to read a book without analyzing it. Analysis just seems to reveal things about the book that spoil the fun. so yeah, i'm pretty sure ms. micallef already knew this, but i didn't like this project. come to think of it though, i've never had an english project that i liked...and i've been in english for a LONG time. it's definitely not the worst project ever though. at least this one was bearable. despite all that i just said, i learned a lot from doing this blog. i don't think i'll ever use the knowledge, but some of it was interesting. i don't know what it reflects about my learning, however, except maybe that i learn faster and enjoy it more when i work alone and don't have to present to the class! i learned that i take advantage of a lot of things. that would be the positive thing that i learned. the negative would probably be that even though Paul was constantly in a war zone, he was still more emotionally and mentally stable than i have ever been! so i guess i'm a wimp. opinion on war is... WAR IS ABSOLUTELY STUPID AND BARBARIC. i know that fighting is a part of human nature, but this is rediculous! what's the purpose of war? when are we going to learn that blowing the heads off of foreign people is NOT making a point?! i have never supported war. and i never will. period. i often compare war to football...i mean, after all, they're both kind of pointless, right? in football, a bunch of guys run around breaking their bones and wasting energy just to get their hands on a weird shaped ball and smash it into the ground! war is similar, but worse: a bunch of guys run around and try to kill each other just to prove a point that is never proven and more than likely, to end up dead! there you have it. i'm done!!!!

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